Saturday, July 2, 2011

Kids Cartoons ... One Day

You know what, I really used to like watching kids cartoons growing up. and it hit me... we have a child out there somewhere, maybe not even born into this world yet, who will one day be home with us. I can imagine them curled up in their blankets, in front of the TV eating breakfast, giggling at the different programs, and later on acting out the scenes they saw.. coming to try to coax us into buying another toy...  I must admit I like day-dreaming about the "One Day" possibilities..
Cooking and baking in the kitchen with them, running round being silly in the back yard, going to the park and watching them playing on the equipment. making a cubby inside with blankets and pillows and chairs..

and I remembered that it is going to be a long wait.. So as I sit here daydreaming about our kids I wonder to myself are they born yet? are their hearts getting ready to love us too? are they wishing and praying  for us like we do for them?  the truth is we may never know, but the day we bring home our "heart born" child/children truly is one we feel blessed for...

And we have already been blessed.. with the love of each other, and a joint love for a child that is yet to come home... with the support of family and friends around us.. and also with the new contacts we have made through support groups of others that have and are going through the adoption process locally..

so many blessings and this is only the beginning..

and I have a question to ask.. with the July Kids sale coming up would it be ok to go shopping... :)


  1. We have been waiting for our adoptive children for years. Going shopping at the toy sales is something we just don't do. We don't want to jinx it. :)

  2. our prayers are with you that your children come home to you soon.. and we know we shouldn't go shopping but its good to keep the hopes up of what is yet to come..
