Wednesday, January 22, 2014

A year since the link.. where has the time gone..

We can't believe that in all honesty it has already been a year since the link was made to Pip and Pop, and we are also finding it hard to believe that is has been so long since and update.
Well here goes.
Life as parents to these precious treasures is a rollercoaster, a trampoline, and a YoYo but all those things are so fun and exciting, and scary at the same time and so is this..
Who could possibly see of understand just how much our life has grown and changed in this short year.
The kids are blossoming, they are loving having a Daddy for the first time, and we have just celebrated our first Christmas together as a family and I honestly don't know who was more excited about that.. us or the kids, or our families..
For anyone out there reading this, Don't think, don't question, don't second guess yourselves,.. This is without a doubt the singularly most terrifying and rewarding thing you could ever do in your life.. All the rest is just details..

realising how late it is I will just keep this one short, but Belated Merry Christmas and Belated Happy New Year to you all.

Love from us

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