Wednesday, August 14, 2013

The First 8 Months as a New Family.

I can honestly say this last 8 months have been some of the hardest and most rewarding and fulfilling time ever.
Our Instant little family has grown (literally the kids have both had growth spurts).
We are all settling into being together, loving each other, and learning to deal with a whole gambit of new things and emotions and situations.

But all truth be told I only wish we had gotten them sooner, for a number of selfish reasons for them and for us but I wouldn't change a thing.

these two precious little treasures have changed our life and changed our perspective on a number of different things and I am happy to say I will never be the same again.

Our life is full of mess, noise, giggles, tears, hugs, tantrums, truth, trust, and love and nothing could possibly be better than being parents, and the joy of being a mum even the instant kind has no equal.

Want to know more in-depth how things are going well sorry but I just cant say, each day is different, each situation uncharted, each joy greater than the last.

If you are contemplating becoming a parent through permanent care I can only say trust what your heart is telling you if it says to do it, then do it you wont look back.

Much love and grace to you all

Kat xx

Monday, April 1, 2013


So its been 6 weeks now as parents and this is our First Easter where the mystery of the Easter Bunny has been able to start in our house.. and it was fantastic!!
These past weeks have been such a wirlwind with Kindy and School and all of lifes little joys and trials entertwined ..

Pip & Pop enjoyed their first family easter egg hunt and are still slowly munching their way through the treasures, and right now are having fun running around Granma and Grampas house playing.

The joy that overflows can not be expressed in these few short words but for those who are parents you will understand, and for those who are celebrating Easter and the blessing of Jesus Christ you will understand how interesting it is discussing it with Children, but we are facing the added discussions of why and who Jesus is with Pip & Pop who previously have had no faith impacting in their lives before coming into ours..

Anyway I am going to go run off and play tiggy with my kids now who are blowing away on harmonicas and enjoy the remains of the day catching up with other family as well..

Much love and grace to you all and a very Happy Easter to you all.

Kat xx

Sunday, March 10, 2013

blog title changed yipeee... and where we are so far

So we are off and racing into parenthood..
Loving having Pip and Pop at home with us and finally being able to settle into family life which seems to be happening quite well so far.. I will not deny that the first week saw a number of issues surface quickly but we are both so glad that things have now calmed down..

We are both enjoying being parents and are treasuring every laugh and every tear as it comes like precious jewels.

So many things to try to express and yet no words can compare to the feelings and experiences, it really is quite unique..

much grace


Thursday, February 14, 2013


What a roller coaster of emotions these past almost 4 weeks have been..
From the initial transition planning meeting to - Meeting our precious Pip & Pop!
Spending time with them and getting to know there little likes and dislikes, and we are sure there will be more..
Hearing them call us Mummy and Daddy! this has a level of emotion that can not be quantified.
Laughing and crying with them.
and oh so much more....
it really is an inexplicable scenario to try to share..
And it is an experience that those that have gone through it would agree, no matter what they faced they would do it again.. because we all know as parents who cherish the lives entrusted to us,...
                                                     We would do anything for our kids.

(Kat) With the added emotion of my mum  passing in the second week it really has been a mixture of both great joy and great sadness..

As life moves along though we look forward to the end of the main part of the transition, the final hand over and those two precious angels coming into our home and lives forever..

its only a matter of days now before this takes place, and the anticipation surrounding this high.

we look forward to changing our blog title from I'm pregnant too...... to I was pregnant too...

Much love Kat

Wednesday, January 16, 2013


OMGoodness it happened, the link day has come and Gone and we have been matched!! Hallelujah!!

The overwhelming joy that has struck us both and our family has been amazing and we some humbled by the amazing blessing that is being poured out on us.

For future reference to the kids we have decided for their privacy to be called Pip and Pop...

That's right I did say kids, a sibling group to be exact. :)

Such precious little angels that are to be called our own, that will be with us in their "forever family"

There are no words to explain the excitement, anticipation, joy, love, and everything else that is going on right now, and we have not even met these two little treasures yet.

We have seen photos and now know their names, and some more specifics about them and all I can say is the only way is up from here..

Thank you all for your love and prayers and support these past few days, we are grateful beyond words.

We will keep you updated as things progress, and as we begin our lives together in this new forever family.

Much love and Grace
Kat xx

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Nesting....:Waiting for the link

Sorry for not updating in a while, we had hoped to have a major and exciting update to go in here before Christmas but alas it was not meant to be so we are starting the new year afresh.

We hope and pray you have all had a wonderful Christmas, and that you are blessed with a safe and joyful New Year for 2013..
Nesting.. a term I hear quite a bit from others that are pregnant during the last trimester, and one I often dreamed of for the few angels that never made it that far.. Well it seems Nesting can happen no matter what way you become a parent...

Matt will happily tell you that I have been "nesting" this last week while we wait for our link date.
I have been busily washing everything in sight, vacuuming every surface including the curtains and couches... and when it seemed there was little I could do in the house today I took to pruning back wayward bushes at the front of our house with the inclination that I just want them gone and to plant smaller ones that are easier to care for.. but I showed restraint because I need to check first.. (oh the trials of renting and having to ask for permission to do so.)

Aside from this excessive use of the word cleaning or nesting I have been in a bit of a haze and a dream world as to what we should and can do next..

You see my dear friends there is only so much you can do..

Not knowing exactly what size clothing a child might be wearing is a challenge, because if you buy things in one size that happen to be to small you are either stuck with the option of returning them, or giving them to someone else who has a bubby that will grow into them; neither of these options am I enthusiastic about. the alternative is the clothes are to big, which might mean you have a lot of clothing that resembles potato sacks because of its large size.. but at least in that instance you have the chance that they will grow into the right size...
so anyway the clothing purchasing has been limited to knickers, socks, jocks, and singlets until we know what size to actually purchase..

Not knowing what colour is their favorite (as they are of an age to make that choice) is a challenge because if we start buying things but they have an avid hatred of the colour we think might suit we are again faced with what to do with said objects.. so each area has been limited...

With all the back to school and post Christmas toy sales on we have been in the uniquely challenging position of not being able to buy anything because the unknown is out of our control..
and if I had bought anything I can assure you that the amount would have been greater than the need...

And all of these "what ifs'" becomes a mute point if the Link doesn't go ahead, and if we have to wait for another opportunity...

Because unlike a pregnancy, where you can almost assume that so close to the end once you've nested it wont be long till you have a treasure to hold in your arms, in our case there is no certainty.
I can nest until the cows come home but it wont be of any use if it doesn't happen..

There is so much hope, love, compassion, understanding, and so much muchness going on its hard to hold it back and reserve it in case it doesn't happen.
Its almost a fear of excitement if you can understand that.. we want to be excited we want to yell from the rooftops and sky-write it for the world to see, but we can't because we still don't know, and it may not happen this time..

So getting out of the waiting and the hoping and the roller-coaster chatter for a moment..

We have a link tomorrow.. one we are both very positive about, one that we hope dearly will all come together easily.. It is already looking to feel like the longest day of our lives till we find out about 2 little treasures..  one way or another we will know something tomorrow.. my heart is speaking positive loving thoughts to me.. almost like its my mum reassuring me.. and my head is being all kinds of rational and diplomatic about the whole decision that is yet to be made..

We have been counting down sleeps this past 2 weeks until we find out and in all honesty I don't think I'll sleep at all tonight.. I don't think its even close to possible..
My mind is filled with prayerful thoughts and anticipation for Matt and I , for the Children, for the panel making the decision  for the fostercarer and all they might be feeling, and for the birth parents and what they might be going through..

Please if you are inclined, send out loving thoughts and prayers, and be assured that we are sending happy thoughts and prayers to you too...

Much Grace

Kat.. xx