Thursday, December 29, 2011

Fingers Crossed its the Last Christmas...

I am still hoping all of you have had a joyful Christmas, surrounded by and shared with loved ones.

We celebrated our two family Christmas's this year and I have to admit something felt a little odd.
As we sat around sharing in so much Christmas Cheer, both Matt and I both felt a little confused and not quite complete.
As we spoke that night on Christmas Day, and came to the same conclusion, we were missing our kids.

By this early stage in our marriage we had both assumed we would be parents, watching our kids opening presents, and them being more amused by the paper and the boxes than the presents.
Or maybe it would be us opening gifts for one yet to be born.

As we sat there over the Two celebrations, watching our dear nieces and nephews playing together, and opening their gifts; we looked in hope at what our kids might be doing, playing Cricket in the park,
running around the playground, having a Nerf War, hugging loved ones.

While we wait for these next few weeks to pass so we can undertake our interviews and assessments, all we can do is hope and dream and keep our fingers crossed.

Hope that all goes smoothly, and that permission is granted and we are approved. Fingers crossed that there are no hickups and that this time next year we will be celebrating Christmas as a Family with our child or children.

Our interviews and assessments are the next big step, one that we are both keenly aware will have a big impact on our application, as always though in all things we pray and leave it in Gods hands.

Pray that he is opening the doors, and preparing not only us but, the child or children who will be coming into our lives, the BParents who are having to relinquish their kids, the Foster Family that will be caring for them, and the workers who take each step with caution to make sure the right match is made.
In all things we pray and we ask that you will pray with us too.

It is coming up to the end of the year and 2012 promises to be a great one with lots of fun and excitement.
I hope you are well, and that you are blessed richly in the year to come

Kat xx

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

4 Sleeps and many dreams

Today has been spent baking goodies to give as presents this year, and sewing up a storm for a little niece of ours. During today Matt and I have both been dreaming of so many things.

Today while being all creative I caught myself dreaming of kids running around the house and out in the yard, visions that verged of memories of making a floury mess in the kitchen as rolled out the cookie dough to be cut with cookie cutters and then baked leaving a warm and comforting smell of chocolate and cinnamon through the house.

And while sewing up little outfits for a loved ones little girl, I could not help but dream of making them for our own kids.  These dreams and thoughts now see to be so close and so tangible now as we edge towards Christmas and on into the new year of 2012.

Matt came to me a couple of times and helped where he could, telling me rather giddily hey we could do this with our kids, and how he saw some bright coloured kids utensils in the shops the other day and how we could get some of them so they had their own to use.
As I completed each little outfit it went from a "oh I like that fabric" earlier on in the day to "those look wonderful, you could make some like those for our kids".  my response was well maybe but would have to change the fabric and pattern  for a boy because I am not so sure they would want pretty pink flowers or a dress to wear.

The Truth of it all is, we have been dreaming a lot of late, and even more so the closer we get to Christmas.
Dreaming of :
Letters to Santa being written and sent out.
A Family Decorated tree, surrounded by presents and stockings waiting to be filled.
Sweet sleeping children tucked up in bed after a day of school or play.
A countdown to Christmas in sleeps with activities to whittle the time away.
Making and decorating Gingerbread men and cookies together.
Sitting around in the lounge room on Christmas Eve, reading the real story of Christmas and Jesus Birth.
Starting up so many of our own Christmas Traditions as a family

O so very many dreams to look forward to :)

It is our hope and our belief that once they come into our homes and our lives, no matter what thier previous experience of this time of the year has been in the past that they will come to love it, to celebrate it, to enjoy it and find peace.
Christmas is a time to feel love, to share love, and to give love.

Just in case I don't make it back on here before then, I hope and pray that each and everyone of you is blessed richly this Christmas with joy that overflows, with love the fills your heart and home, and with peace as we finish this year and begin a new.

Merry Christmas Everyone, and a Safe an Joyful New Year for 2012.
God Bless
Much Grace

Kat xx

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Tis the Season to Be Jolly while we wait for you

Well we are now at the start of December 2011.

This past month has been something of a whirl wind for us, not quite sure where the month has gone really.
We celebrated the marriage of one of my dearest and closest friends in the middle of the month, and I felt so truly blessed to be part of that special day.  This are slowly kicking along.

It is the start of December and we have put up our Christmas Tree, and some decorations, and have even started to organise Christmas this year with our families.
And as we sit here this afternoon we wonder about our kids; what you are doing, are you playing, are you safe, what do you like, what do you wish Santa would bring you for Christmas, do you already know about the first Christmas?.. all these things and more are running through our minds, along with, when will we finally meet you, what will you look like,  do you like to do the things we hope you will ??

We set up the tree, and have placed presents underneath so you know we have been thinking of you.. while the presents contain our love, our hope, our support, and our care in all things, rather than toys and games. we look forward to filling your life with these things and the presents follow.

We have just been assigned our Case Worker and look forward to meeting with her in January, because it will be one step closer to our Kid/s coming home..

hoping you are all well, much love and grace to you all